Alex Reed - Hatha Flow Yoga
I’m Alex Reed and I started Good Life Yoga in 2013 in order to share my passion for yoga with people who need some balance in their busy lives.
It is my secret weapon against stress, anxiety and aging! Keeping strong and flexible in mind and body is proven to help us live longer and more fulfilling lives.
In my practice and classes I try to bring a fresh thought to each session – to find curiosity and genuine interest in what is happening in our minds and bodies on the mat.
My personal practice is influenced by some incredible teachers who were students of an innovative Italian yoga teacher called Vanda Scaravelli. She took traditional yoga practices deep into her own body and guided her students to do the same. Inspired by the youthfulness, joy for life and twinkle in the eye of these teachers
I try to practice and teach with fresh eyes and an open mind each time, guided by the bodies and personalities in the room.
My goal is to stay young as long as possible and help my students find their joy and youthful spirit too.

What to expect on a yoga break with Alex:
This is a holiday rather than a retreat so while the focus of the week is yoga, there will be plenty of time to relax, socialise and enjoy the local surroundings and on-site activities.
On offer will be two yoga sessions on the majority of days, an energising morning session featuring flowing sequences and a relaxing evening session prior to dinner; this could be restorative practice using bolsters or gentle postures, breathing practice and meditation.
One day will feature an optional silent group walk.
The rest of the day is yours to enjoy and make the most of this special time you've set aside for yourself.